Joining a barter exchange is an excellent way to increase your sales and grow your business. And by using barter dollars instead of cash to purchase what you need, you’re able to increase your buying power and keep more of your hard-earned cash.
When you make a sale, you are paid in barter dollars. You can then spend these barter dollars with any other member of the exchange or one of our affiliates across North America.
As a barter member, you’ll receive new business over and above your current sales.
You will have a personal broker who is dedicated to understanding your business and is committed to introducing you to qualified buyers. You will have new business referred directly to you.
You’ll be invited to networking events including trade shows, mixers and dinner cruises where you can meet other members face-to-face.
By accepting barter dollars as a means of payment, you’ll have an advantage over your
non-barter competitors as barter members want to do business with other barter members.
Join us and access over 600 local members, as well as our network of affiliates made up of tens of thousands of international members.
Build your business, engage your staff, and treat yourself – you now have the barter dollars to do it. And by using barter dollars to offset your current cash expenses, you are able to keep more of your hard-earned cash for those things that aren’t available on barter. Use barter dollars, and save cash in these areas:
- Start-Up Costs
Renovations, Furniture, Signage, Printing, Consulting - Operating Expenses
Bookkeeping, Computer Repair, Administrative Support - Marketing Expenses
Advertising, Photography, Videography, Graphic Design, Web Design - Rewarding Clients & Staff (or Even Yourself)
Restaurants, Entertainment, Vacations, Dental Services, Spas - Here’s a more complete list of what’s available.