Ilya Goldman is the owner of Internet Exposure, a Vancouver based internet marketing company specializing in web design, web hosting, e-commerce, and SEO.
Internet Exposure has been helping businesses in many diverse industries get noticed online. Ilya has helped create beautiful websites for local organizations such as Stanley Park Cycle, Vancouver Accent Cruises, UBC Press and many more. Ilya has been a barter member since 2001.
Q & A with Internet Exposure’s Ilya Goldman
Q – How did you find out about First Canadian Barter Exchange (FCBE) and why did you decide to join?
A – Back in 2001 I met Amber, the VP of Marketing at FCBE, at a breakfast meeting. I joined FCBE shortly after I was introduced to the concept of barter. I liked the idea and it seemed like a good way to grow my business.
Q – What goods or services have you provided though barter?
A – I have offered all the services I provide through Internet Exposure on barter. This includes web design, hosting, and SEO. I have also sold some personal items through barter.
Q – What has your experience been like with First Canadian Barter Exchange?
A – My experience with FCBE has been wonderful! FCBE and barter has helped me increase my customer base and buy some things that I might not have been able to buy otherwise.
Q – What surprised you the most about barter or this exchange?
A – The dynamic of buyer/seller is a bit different through barter than it is through cash. You put a bit more effort into spending barter dollars, and less effort into attracting new clients. FCBE is run extremely well, and I’ve been very happy with them for many years.
Q – What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought through barter?
A – Too many to mention. Over the years I’ve purchased things for my home like leather furniture, kitchen furniture and a water cooler. I have also bought a computer and printer, vacations, restaurant and massage gift certificates and much more. The list just keeps going.
Q – What’s your advice to other businesses out there thinking about joining FCBE?
A – I highly recommend it for all businesses, especially early on.